Mer al Dao
Born in argentinien deserts, reborn in mexican mountains and uplifted in californian hotsprings, she followed her own quest for psychic freedom into the wild. Her art is at once existential, alive, subterranean and pleasurable. With subtle choices, she reveals the profoundity of alternative narratives subverting reality. Outside of the margins of capitalistic industrial filmmaking, she stands on a feminine stare, a pulsing heart, and a grounded experience in collaboration, creating original stories that support imagination liberation. Some of her pieces have been internationally awarded by Black Star film festival, Earth Day SF Film Festival, PrideArts Film Fest and many more.
Born in argentinien deserts, reborn in mexican mountains and uplifted in californian hotsprings, she followed her own quest for psychic freedom into the wild. Her art is at once existential, alive, subterranean and pleasurable. With subtle choices, she reveals the profoundity of alternative narratives subverting reality. Outside of the margins of capitalistic industrial filmmaking, she stands on a feminine stare, a pulsing heart, and a grounded experience in collaboration, creating original stories that support imagination liberation. Some of her pieces have been internationally awarded by Black Star film festival, Earth Day SF Film Festival, PrideArts Film Fest and many more.
She co-created an intercultural women’s film collective called Republic of Light, made +80 short films and a feature surreal documentary film, all while living nomadically in a school bus through the americas for 4+ years. The creative field generated by living, dreaming and filming collectively left a visceral imprint in Mer's way of storytelling. She responds to magic. Art is her means of transformation.
·Nacida en los desiertos argentinos, renacida en montañas mexicanas y cultivada en aguas termales californianas, siguió su propia búsqueda de libertad psíquica hasta lo salvaje. Su arte es a la vez existencial, vivo, subterráneo y placentero. Con elecciones sutiles, revela la profundidad de narrativas alternativas que subvierten la realidad. Fuera de los márgenes del cine capitalista industrial, ella se para en una mirada femenina, un corazón pulsante, y una experiencia enraizada en la colaboración; creando historias originales que apoyan la liberación de la imaginación. Algunas de sus piezas han sido premiadas internacionalmente por Black Star film festival, Earth Day SF Film Festival, PrideArts Film Fest y muchos más festivales.
Junto a otras dos hermanas, co-creó un colectivo artístico intercultural de mujeres llamado República de Luz, hicieron más de 80 cortos y un largo documental surreal, mientras vivieron nomádes en un bus recorriendo las américas por más de 4 años. El campo creativo generado por vivir, soñar y crear juntas dejó una marca visceral en la forma en que Mer cuenta historias. Ella responde ante la magia.
El arte es su medio de transformación.
El arte es su medio de transformación.